Code Contract

Typically, large companies have standard forms service contract for the assessment of housing, thus making the document does not take much time. But do not underestimate its importance. By signing the contract you enter into with the evaluation by a civil relationship that gives rise to both sides not only rights but also responsibilities. You need to provide an appropriate set of documents that provide access to expert examination of the apartment, as well as pay evaluation services. In turn, the assessment organizations have an obligation to quality and timely to evaluate the object of pledge. It should be noted two important points. First, in case of failure (or poor performance), the appraiser of its obligations, which could lead to a denial of a loan, the absence of agreement allows the company to evade the assessment of compensation to you for damages.

No contract – no formal any relationship, there is no compensation. Even the money spent on evaluation (which technically was not), in which case you can not return. The second important point concerns the payment for evaluation. If the organization does not have an office evaluation check-out machine, it is better to pay the assessment in any convenient time for you to bank, accepting payments from individuals. It is totally unacceptable to transfer money for his work in person at the hands of the representative appraisal organization, even if they are directly in her office. Without the use of control and cash register is simply illegal (Article 14.5 of the Code on Administrative Violations), and insecure.

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