Business scenarios show great changes. opportunities in many businesses that have been prepared for this, can raid, seized the opportunity that outsourcing offers. Also help, as the company, reviewing its current organizational architecture to determine the extent of the benefits that outsourcing can provide once you decide to use it. To venture to determine its relevance, scope, impact is necessary to evaluate its benefits and all that involves and what it can bring to the company. a in a little bit in their rationale, their importance, which is able to generate, remember, that by the mid-a 60, and even during the a 70, companies in financial trouble or not possessed sophisticated information technology management strategy adopted Outsourcing. Later, in the years a 80 and the leading companies in their industries begin to estimate the consolidation of data centers and performance computing area. It is from the a 90 when, not only commercial enterprises but up to large corporations and governments themselves, creating awareness of Outsourcing as a tool that adds value to any administration management. Boy Scouts may find this interesting as well. Near the XXI century, the concept has evolved further. Outsourcing now represents a comprehensive benefit, systematic and transformational companies that have vision continue to be leaders in their markets or positions in new industries. Over the past Breakfast Quality, conducted a few years ago, the Director of Telecommunications of Electronic Data Systems de Venezuela (EDS), Gaston Larrazabal shared the experience of this company in its adoption of outsourcing.