This article is part of a study concerning the doleitor formation for literature, focusing, over all, the figure of the reading professor, bringing, therefore, as intention to contribute with its practical professor. Nieman Foundation gathered all the information. Comefeito, in this block of expositions we will specifically come back in them toward umareflexo in clippings on the conceptual field of literature. For evidencing that the understanding concerning what comes the serliteratura has imbricado in complexity factor, as much in the ways acadmicosquanto in wheels of quarrel in the continued formation of professors envolvidoscom the question, we place, in these fast consideraes, some points parareflexo. The task to appraise literature is not of cmodas more efceis. The question ‘ ‘ what he is literatura’ ‘ it can leave in embaraostanto people whom they do not deal with the complex field of science> literary, quantoaquelas dedicated to the question, as reading, specialists or docentessubmetidos to the quarrel. However, some meanings possible are seconcebidas to the light of the multiple looks launched historically on the palavraliteratura and its field of performance since its appearance in the culture socialmenteproduzida for the humanity. Lajolo (2001, p.11) when studying regarding questochega leaving in them less worried about the extension or formularization of toquestionvel concept: On this side and beyond that they mutter, a people multitude, you, I, all we, enthusiastic partners of the club of the anonymous readers, eventually already ask in them and already we answer in them what it is literature? Permanent questions, provisory answers.
So permanent eprovisrias others how much they are the questions and answers with that they deal osintelectuais of the teams of whom they complain and they mutter. Only that without the consequence doespelho, of citations, the interlocutors. Initially, the term literature it served as expression amplapara to designarqualquer joint of texts related to the productions cinciasem of them general, thus is that we had: legal literature, medical literature, jesutica aliteratura, scientific literature, journalistic literature entremuitas others, used in the different fields of the human knowledge.