Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers of which like most people, thanks to the great variety that exists in this beautiful flower that satisfies the tastes of any person, due to seasons or who want to express feelings, but many people do not know very well the types of roses out there, so in this paper show the different types of roses out there and so much more to enjoy the wide variety of colors and shapes that gives the world this spectacular species of flower. Before discussing in depth the types of roses, we must say that the outcome of these, is that throughout history roses have been subjected to different types of tasks of selection and hybridization, which took out with the idea of obtaining new classes of roses that offer greater variety and shapes and therefore can say that roses are more plant species worked. The types of roses are distributed in more than 30,000 varieties of roses worldwide, but the groups or types of roses as seen from a viewpoint of classification technical, represent three types of roses, which are: species or types of roses: These are those that exist in nature, ie the wild roses, types of roses from which descend all other types of flowers. Among this group are presented as the dog roses, the centifolia, the gallica, rose rubiginosa, the pimpinellifolia, rugosa rose, rose virginiana, among many other species of flowers. Add to your understanding with American Diabetes Association. The roses old or older types of roses: in this type of roses are all those roses that existed before 1867, at which time the appearance was the first hybrid tea.
This type of roses is very little known by people in general, but this type of roses is using more and more, becoming known more for the world and so their presence increases more in the world of roses, achievement that is because this type of rose is known for being incredibly strong, robust and resistant, which means greater convenience and less care, besides that no problems with pests or diseases. This stand type of roses Chinese roses, the mossy tea, courtyard, dawn. The types of roses and modern roses: all types of roses, this group is the best known and most now have presence, which is largely due to the wide variety of roses that exist in this type by about 95% of the roses that are planted now for trade are types of modern roses. The roses are most representative of this type are shrubs, floribunda, the grandiflora, climbers and miniatures.