Monthly Archive: October 2024

Atlantic Ocean Easter

There are legends about mystical three continents, sink to the bottom of the ocean many centuries ago. This is Atlantis, located, according to some authors, in the Atlantic Ocean, Lemuria – Indian and Pacifis – in the Pacific. Until recently suggested the existence of these continents, the sunken in the waters of three oceans, and especially Pacifis, based only on ancient legends, and only recently had the tangible proof of this. From Pacifis in the Pacific archipelago and left some of the individual islands. One of the most mysterious piece of land, preserved since then, is Easter Island. Contact information is here: Dr. Neal Barnard.

Its sometimes called the center of this mysterious country. Secluded island, a mysterious stone statues of civilization, preserved it strange phenomena occurring in its vicinity, have not yet received an explanation. Until now, science does not know how these Dvadtsatimetrovy Colossi transported from the quarries located in the depths of the island on the coast. On all questions of scientists locals replied: “They were themselves.” Do Colossi moved by a strong biofield of people who lived sometime here! The current inhabitants of Easter Island had lost the ability to move objects in space without touching them, but the memory of their ancestors amazing store for thousands of years. The famous Soviet geologist Academician VA Obruchev wrote in 1956: “It could be argued that in the heat of the equatorial belt of the Earth humanity is already at a time when both the near-polar regions were still covered with snow and ice had reached a high cultural development.

Built beautiful temples to gods, the pyramids as tombs for kings, and on Easter Island stone statues erected for protection against some enemies. And there is an interesting question: Was the death caused by other cultures and structures of some catastrophe? “Confirmation that such a catastrophe really destroyed the legendary continent is to the natives of Easter Island, first to explain how there was this little island with a remnants of an ancient civilization in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This story is presented in the book of Kondratova “Mysteries of the Great Ocean“: – Our land was once a great country, a very large country. But God Uvoke down at her own staff. The waves rose and the country to do a little.

Plata Isaac

"Me, I'll go first few days in Mar del Plata Isaac, – said Ruth resolutely .- I need a vacation and then have the energy to get to school. We also need time to be together and without obligation. Between the two guards near the rotating weekly Sunday when applicable, plus 10 or 11 hours per day he has to stay in the hospital and my studies, we have not had much free time. The first year of residence is really exhausting. Hours are 7-17 pm. and that when you finish work, because it can be up any time, but the two guards and the press which is one of every three weeks, I guarantee you will not let you energy available for anything else .- "Do not exaggerate, I do not think energies have not been shared with you in bed, "he said with a sarcastic smile Natasha. "Do not think, – very seriously," Ruth said many times he had none! "Oh, we do not creo.

more sarcastically," answered Natasha yet – not even a year are married! These energies are not lost so easily. They are independent of fatigue. "Wait and you will see that miserable state you are when you start residency, "said Ruth with a certain tone of anger, seeing that her friend did not believe him .- and how you feel at the end of each day. And do not tell the end of the week! And when that week and not just because you're continuing to do the press on Sunday and have to wait for the next Sunday to have your first day off! and I'll tell. On Saturday afternoon is the only time you'll have most of the time, they will use to prepare the class has to give on Monday.

Web Model

Every day, millions of women on the first call alarm interrupt their fabulous dreams and go to a city full of traffic jams and stress, but in order to perform routine duties list. They can not imagine a zhizni.Rabota at home, many countries have already recognized a worthy source of income. Moreover, she is respected and promising. The day will come, and this opinion will be strengthened in the mentality of our country. Girls who have decided to devote himself show business, it will be interesting to know that there is such a work, combining elements of the model and acting jobs on the basis of today's Internet technologies. This work webcam model on the Internet show, one of the directions in entertainment industry, where demand for girls-models.

External data are important for model webcam, but they are not determinative Webcam is one of the most promising varieties of online business, Internet show. In order to become a model for video chat, no need to bypass the modeling agencies. Enough to be sociable, artistic, have an attractive appearance and possess a broad outlook. Video chat with webcam model has long has become popular among Western Internet users. Millions of visitors have appreciated this virtual entertainment and are willing to pay good money for an interesting video and communication via chat.Web model is on the network and is communicating with visitors. Limits 'communication', each model defines for itself work webcam model has become quite familiar to our society. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger is actively involved in the matter. This profession is highly paid professions to top girls and women over the past year. To use webcam model does not require professional skills or special education, follow your imagination, interest, natural lyublpytstvu and humanity.

However, by itself work can learn a lot, release and give a degree of freedom. Become a webcam model: a means to earn money rather significant. $ 2000-2500 per month are the norm for those who pay in enough free time. And it does not limit wages Web model. What could the work webcam model? Work webcam model: mean independence. Above you there is no finicky boss. Nobody is forcing. Free expression of your individuality is important for webcam model. Become a model – means the freedom and comfort. Work on a computer at home, getting a pretty good secondary or primary income. Webcam moldel – work with free schedule – an extremely attractive vacancy for women who want to work and devutsshek at home, allowing the best way to plan your free time. Thus there is a chance to learn or improve their English language. Working the Web model – creative work, it will suit: Those who wish a comfortable and peaceful life as well as those who intend to make rather big amount indeed. Work webcam model – means to participate in a serious enough business. Making money with you, we are genuinely interested that you feel the stability, calmness, confidence and comfort of his lifestyle. Work at home – this piece-work, but make money on internet You can always. Leave salary in his office the past and prepare for self-control, because you'll get exactly what will earn.


Gingivitis is expressed in inflamed mucosa of the gums. This disease is an early stage of generalized periodontitis, in which the pathologic process extends to the alveolar bone and periodontium. In the case of a timely and proper treatment, gingivitis can still achieve a full resumption of periodontal tissue. At the beginning of the disease runs imperceptibly, and patients sometimes do not pay attention to his symptoms. Gum dense, has a pink or pale pink gum edge scalloped, fits snugly to your teeth. This is a hidden (initial) stage. Subjectively, patients felt itching, burning, weakness in the gums, tingling, aching, especially morning. Perhaps check out Professor of Internet Governance for more information. To get rid of these feelings have a desire to squeeze the teeth.

The first sign of periodontitis is "groundless" the movement of teeth: the nomination forward, the appearance of the spaces between them, rotating around its axis, change of position in the wells. When clamping jaw is broken relative position of the teeth, which becomes the cause of overload. Quite often observed in periodontitis gingival hemorrhage. Bleeding occurs during tooth brushing, for biting and chewing raw vegetables and fruits, breads, etc. You may wish to learn more. If so, Michael James Burke is the place to go. In the more pronounced changes in periodontal tissues on the pillow after sleeping detect traces of blood or ichor.

At this stage, the emerging halitosis. Sometimes, early symptoms of the disease progresses very slowly, and patients do not pay attention to them, which contributes to worsening of the disease. Gums eventually swells and becomes red, enhanced bleeding. Without proper timely treatment gingivitis progresses. Pain gets worse when chewing and takes aching character. Interdental papillae and the edge of the gums swell, become bright red coloration, becoming friable, bleeding from the slightest touch. Gingival margin, which normally adheres to the teeth tightly behind as a result of significant edema. In this case, between the tooth and gum pocket formed an extensive, reaching depths of 3-4 mm after the destruction of inflammatory round ligament of the tooth. With pressure on the gingiva allocated cloudy yellow liquid containing microbes ottorgshiesya epithelial cells, pus, food remnants. Usually at this time disease begins abundant deposition of tartar or plaque. With the development of gingivitis compounded early manifestations and new: bad breath, severe pain when chewing. Gum tissues become friable and bleed at the slightest touch. Sometimes patients experience numbness in the gums, do not feel the teeth, resulting in coordination of movements of jaws broken. Saliva from the impurity of blood from infected gums becomes brown or brown. Because of excessive bleeding from the gums patients often stop brushing your teeth, thus unwittingly contributing to the further continuation of the pathological process. Pathological mobility Teeth, pain, suppuration of the periodontal pockets, recurrent acute inflammatory process, usually cause tooth extraction. Loss of teeth leads to an overload of the remaining, and hence progression of the disease. Thus, the vicious circle – the process progresses, the tooth number of intensely deformed, increasing overload of the remaining teeth, which in turn leads to loss of teeth. For resumption of the masticatory apparatus becomes necessary prosthesis, which is hampered by the destruction of the alveolar process.