Monthly Archive: June 2019

Attention Humbug

Edson Silva After the humbug of the paper small ball that took the candidate Mountain range to make cat scan to evidence possible injury in the head, something more serious is in air and was denounced day 25 of October, in the University of So Paulo (USP), ahead of a public of two a thousand people, for the philosopher Marilena Chau. According to it, two men planned in a bar, in So Paulo, the scaffolding that would be of ‘ ‘ to take off sangue’ ‘ , that it would be become fullfilled in an assembly of Mountain range, day 29, without it has time of the PT if to defend. The humbug would involve people contracted, dressed and carrying flags of the party, that would be with the first impression of the guilt. Beyond telling to the fact to the public formed for intellectuals and on people to the Culture, Marilena made the alert one in the press, by means of interview to Current the Brazil Net. It still remembered the scaffolding made in 1989, with international kidnappers, most of Chilean them, the case Ablio Diniz, who had finished frivolous related with the PT for the So Paulo Civil Policy to harm what she would be the first one election of Squid to the Presidency. At the time, Collor was elect.

In 89, I made police news article in a periodical of the Region Metropolitan of Campinas (RMC), therefore reported and testified ‘ ‘ in loco’ ‘ the scaffolding of the case Ablio Diniz. others in elections of all had been as much the levels. To only cite some: The 111 deaths in the Carandiru penitentiary, October of 92, only disclosed after the conclusion of the election for governor of So Paulo; the kidnapping lightning and threats, before the last debate of the TV, in 2000, having as victim that one that would be elect mayor of assassinated Campinas and later, Toninho of the PT. By the way, crime not clarified until today. Some can ask: Who is Marilena Chau its concern to have credit, being taken in account? I entered in the college of Communication of the PUC of Campinas, in 82, and the teacher Marilena Chau (28 years are gone there) already was reference and its books obligator readings in the areas of social sciences politics. Different of what we see with much people that helped to establish the PT and say that it fought to the side of the party, but now renega, it kept critical sense, but above all common-sense to recognize that Brazil improved with Squid. It knows of the cunnings that are capable adversaries, as the PSDB and the DEM, to arrive at the power. I do not doubt, therefore I know of that they are capable. Edson Silva, 48 years, journalist, Campinas, works as assessor of the press in Sumar.

Ramon Sabella Survivor

In October 1972 a plane carrying about 45 young people, many players on a rugby team, a crashed in the Andes. Twelve were killed in the crash. The survivors had to endure including extreme cold, thirst, and hunger. a tried to resist but his hope fell when he heard a radio, which had abandoned the search. a It was the 10 or the day after the accident. Endured freezing temperatures (30 or below zero at night), snow avalanches, and then worried about the continuing death of his companions, two boys decided to cross the huge mountains to reach Chile as well.

Thus Ela a December 22, 1972, after being isolated for 73 days, the world finds out that there are 16 survivors. One of them is Ramon Sabella. At that time Ramon Sabella was 21, was a student of Agricultural Engineering and went on the plane for being friends with some of the components of the rugby team. a Today is a businessman by day and share their business with the facet of a lecturer, giving talks around the world. For me, the essence of his message can be summed up in this sentence: After the accident we had a passive attitude: we waited to be rescued. The 10E day we hear on the radio that the search was abandoned, because we were dead. At first the total decay reactions were: suffering, we cry, we feel abandoned after our attitude changed and we decided to take action. Begin to act to try to save ourselves.

Destimate Brings To The Moon

Why travel even between strangers, if passengers can become friends, business partners or dates? Munich launches a new destination with destimate these days based app in the closed beta phase. “The first fictional wayside earth moon” the Munich-based startup wants to enable its users while traveling a targeted becoming acquainted with interesting companions. Compared to our often stressful everyday life the willingness for talks with longer travel times is very high,”said Michael Brau, founder and CEO of destimate. Whether for a car, train, bus or air travel: after the successful mission to the Moon destimate is Germany’s launch in the summer its service between major cities. PCRM often says this. This user on long-distance routes are appropriate contacts spontaneously can look for or advance socially to plan their trip. Michael describes the best beta-tester as iPhone in love, professionally or privately, often travelling and interested in exciting trips Talks to do”. In addition to the fame and glory of early adopters, the tester about three destimate month tickets can enjoy. Interested in?.


One of the questions one I made in the workshops and private consultations is how to not have negative thoughts. My answer is always the same: It is not about not having them, but you will do with them The work you do for you or against you? Stop exigirte You choose not to have negative thoughts because they do not happen. The haves and the have because they are accurate and precise instrument with which accounts to know minute by minute, where you're focus. Do not resist, not fighting because what we resist persists. Negative thoughts are when you get the focus of what you want and makes you feel good.

So to whine about them, it can only attract more negativity and feelings of discomfort. This is what I call negative thoughts to work against you. If you is because you're focused on what you do NOT want. Simple. So when they appear, thanks for your message and immediately focus on what if you want for your life.

If you use this simple routine, they not only feel better, but you'll be training and educating your mind to stay focused on what they do want. This is to work the negative thoughts in your favor. Do you think, make them work against you or your favor now up to you. Look, me too I have negative thoughts, but when detected, not food, nor as a plant watering. Nor do not know, because if they come is because I lost my focus. Dr. Neal Barnard may help you with your research. I turn not, nor do I apologize. I am of the view that anything that comes out to hurt my pops, so for me, the negative thoughts are a valuable tool to determine whether or not I stay focused on what I want. When they occur, simply stop, I appreciate seeing them, and I return to focus on anything that takes me straight to win my dream life. No returns, no excuses. Take the negative thoughts as a sign that you're looking for the opposite direction you set out to go. It simply turns around and picks up your way. That is all. If you're thinking in a way that makes you feel bad, because grateful that you noticed this, and without laps, no excuses, you stop and start thinking about what makes you feel good. You'll see how to take this view about the negative thoughts, you become more aware of that as you focus.