Monthly Archive: February 2013

Pablo Ghiraldelli Jr

What I want to say? The philosophical speech capsized or seems to have if only become enlightening of terms and a one to assist of luxury of other speeches when one or another one part of the speech seems not to incase or to have the ideal floreio. It is not had as to know if it has to see with the stagnation and if to come back toward inside of itself of much of the philosophy that is said ' ' to give certo' ' that one only left of the problems of the world arguing in its symposiums and meeting and giving opinions and creating folloied disputes only in specialized magazines. Taking off few examples in Brazil as of the professor Pablo Ghiraldelli Jr and Susana de Castro between very little others we do not have philosophy appearing in the media nor for good nor for badly not being with the controversial project, and just, by the way, to try to give the last degree of responsibility to the philosophy: or if it becomes a profession as all the others and of the practical answers the society or diminishes and it disappears of time in its constellation of professors and researchers whom they write to only publish for its pairs. Without entailing some to the media, when it is only the case, and without popular penetration because it speaks of useless problems to the majority of the population clearly that seems not to import itself accurately with what it is the end of the man, but that men beat in women and reflect violence behind violence without no respect and consideration. But it does not have philosophical teses on this, therefore the Philosophy still considers bedding of thought and with captive place to ruminate everything that other sciences already had thought. Of the second half of century XX until the immense majority of the thinkers detached in the rinces of the philosophy they had today denied epteto philosopher and this has a reason.

Day of the Tree

In day 21 of September we will go to commemorate the day of the tree, then it is the opportune moment for we speak of this so precious good that it assists in them of the birth until the death. Perhaps if the trees could pronounce themselves, said more or less thus: – ' ' I was created by God before the human being came to the world, so that when it arrived, could find a shade friend in which it could rest and if to remake of the fatigue of its tasks. More unhappyly, many times I am ignored and disrespected for the man. They, without none escrpulo, on behalf of the progress, destroy my life. With axes, scythes or motosserras, cut my trunk making me to fall in the soil. They say that I make much dirt and I give work very, I knock down many leves. They forget that the leves that fall if become precious seasoning and that in its place other new leves are born that renew my beauty.

Beyond the shade, also I produce fruits that feed the birds and the proper man. Of my flowers the bees suck the nectar to produce the candy honey. In my twigs the birds make its nests and if they shelter from the sun, of rain or of the cold. Of my wood it is that the houses are made to shelter the people during its lives, the bed where the man rests during the night, the door that of the security to its homes, the cradle where innocent child sleeps, still, of my wood are made the coffin in which will go to rest the body without life after the death. Therefore, when to pass for me it contemplates me and it is thankful the good God for my existence. It does not make me none badly. Before breaking my twigs pulling out or me of the soil when still I am teeny, one remembers of that I am part of its vida' '.

My friends, if the nature makes in them so well, then we go to live in peace with it. Because not to plant plus a tree instead of destroying it? Because to maltreat a so precious good as this? Let us make our part, therefore the tree that we plant today produces the shade for our rest in tomorrow. Tree is life and life is not come to ruin. Let us reflect on this! Jair Garci’a Martins Ura – Paran


– the life condition that we will have nofuturo will be directly on to our effort and will (16). I defend the will comosendo much more important of what intelligence: in the truth combustvelpara great accomplishments is the will and not it intelligence, that constitutes apenasmais way to assist a preached it> not of paraencarar until he is to absorb a picolemseriedade, to make something, duty to be with determination to arrive at the end, optimum comqualidade superior that we will be able to make, in the lesser possible time, semfugas, distractions, or desconcentrao. Mainly, without shunting lines or ideas outarefa parallel bars or intruders who deviate our attention of our objetivoprincipal. – na conduction of our actions. Masisso everything in the uncertain and not known future. (18) the future uncertain and is nosabido, but also at the same time, previsible when it is planned; liberating logical dpara not to guess who goes to gain the goblet of America to the final docampeonato, but we can foresee a great party easily and if we go ouno to participate of it.> we are the responsveisdiretos for constructing our way, only we and God. (19) God either there as seentenda. It was, and is and will continue always, being our board of salvation, for our hours of perplexity ahead of the stranger.

Because through it, we develop the faith, invisible energy that allows in them to believe nodesconhecido. An attainable world for few. But it has unscomplicadores in this way: So that everything this is truth, true; one becomes necessary and basic that has vision (20) In the truth, exactly that we notenhamos the vision necessary to glimpse our future, we can desenvolveros ears, to hear the advice with that they encircle in them and has maisexperincia, therefore credential, stops in them opening the eyes. – accurate vision of our objetivosfuturos (21).