Monthly Archive: October 2012


The great part of these institutions is an improvisation. The directors and the owners of this class of production means do not know the work of the philosophy. They do not have idea that it is the philosophy, nor as is applied. They are so reflection destitutes, that they have never perceived that the philosophers have made the majors I contribute in history. In the physics area, mathematics, poetry, Literature, sociology, astronomy, ethics and policy. And other so many areas of the knowledge. Then when in any public or deprived school they contract an educational one of social sciences, they place this personage to dictate the subject of ” filosofa”.

Nothing else stupid and in opposition to any educative system laid the foundations good. This demonstrates to the years light ignorance that owns Colombia like state. Then as it would say ours town, the ministers of education of our mother country: they know more of maternity of hens. As much the education ministers as the directors and owners of the educative establishments, do not have an idea clear, evident and different that it is the education. The first error is to place to educational of social sciences to teach something that does not know, that has never contemplated, that it does not appreciate.

The second error is that it leaves to the educational ones of philosophy without use. ” the fault of universities you publish and private in Colombia” it is that the philosopher does not leave with another emphasis, therefore is at a disadvantage. Example: philosopher with emphasis in labor and commercial legislation. Philosopher with emphasis in abstract and applied reasoning.

Industrial Schools and Techniques

1959 the Industrial Schools and Techniques are transformed into autarchies with the name of Schools Federal Techniques. The institutions gain didactic autonomy and of management. With this, it intensifies the formation of technician, indispensable man power ahead of the acceleration of the industrialization process. 1960 it Is initiated management of Oswaldo Pepper, as Managing. The Course of Admission was installed. Was become fullfilled a Civic Session with the participation of pupils and servers in commemoration to the foundation of the Federal Capital? Brasilia.

1961 professional education is equalized to academic education with the promulgation of the Law n 378, that it fixes the Lines of direction and Bases of the Education National. The period is marked by deep changes in the politics of the professional education, what also if it can justify for its project of development. 1962 the Course of Agricultural Master Was installed, with solemn session, presided over for Mr. Juiz de Direito, Dr. Fausto de Pinho Tavares. Composition of the hymn of the School of Agricultural Initiation of Is Joo Evangelista-MG, of authorship of Jose Luiz Gonalves (former-professor, already deceased) and Luiz Gonzaga Gonalves. 1963 Guiding of request of donation of a pertaining property to the Educational Society Evangelistana, to the patrimony of the Union, with the purpose of in it being created the School of Domestic, attached Economy to the School of Agricultural Initiation of Is Joo Evangelista-MG.

REQUEST BECOME WITHOUT EFFECT, FOR ABSENCE OF INSTRUMENT IN THE PROCESS. 1964 Gets excited it denomination of School of Agricultural Initiation for Agricultural Gymnasium of Is Joo Evangelista-MG? Dec. n 53.558? I GIVE of 14/02/1964 1965 Accomplishment of the formation of the first group of pupils of the Agricultural Gymnasium, in level of 1 degree? Agricultural masters. 1967 Transference of the Supervision of Agricultural Ensino and Veterinarian of the Ministry of Agriculture for the Jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Education and Culture, creating the Department of Ensino Mdio (DEM)? Dec.

Tourism Ecosettlements

'Four years later, there will be a garden city! " – So read poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky, written in 1929. The concept of the proposed LLC Plazna 'on a plan of the creators decide on the construction of new towns and ecosettlements in record period, which dramatically for the better are different from the time period, which is described by Vladimir Mayakovsky. Eco-settlement – an issue that interested in a variety of sectors of society. He is also interested in hard workers, and intelligentsia. This topic is relevant for those people who just need a shelter, and for those people who want to be healthy, and for those people who have kids.

It is possible that eventually involved in setting up ecosettlements become a kind of fashion trends, seeking modern 'land Sannikova' – a certain type of adventure tourism. This flow of social life can take the best of large-scale construction projects of the Soviet era, and the degree heated emotions will be comparable to the alloy on the rivers, skydiving, rock climbing and speleology. Would it be hiking, which is difficult for the human body and the risk or is it just becomes a way to play a winning combination for people who want to change their living conditions – time will tell. About that obstacles may arise before the first participants ecosettlements says general director 'Plazna' Vladimir Shumovskii. – Vladimir V., you say that it is possible to build eco-settlement even in the taiga. And I imagine this oil painting: Brigade enthusiasts traveling in trains and trains going to build a new Future … They sing with a guitar, some songs remembered from the same BAM.