The Researchers
The ice that burns. This would be the first description of ' ' combinao' ' crystallized between methane molecules and molecules degua, found in deep regions of the oceans. The soconsiderados methane hydrates already, for the researchers, the main power plant for sculoXXI. However, the exploration of this power plant can provoke maiordesastre ecological of all the times due to release of the pelarpida gas methane dehydration of the same. The calls abissais regions oceanic detmcinqenta and five percent of all present carbon in the planet Land. From there idea comes them it: ) If the oceanic abissais regions are the depsitosnaturais of carbon, can use to advantage these gigantic and aindadisponveis spaces for ' ' aprisionarmos' ' the carbonic gas, the principalcausador of the effect greenhouse, indirect form.
b) We will use, for this end, the solar energy, afotossntese and the water to cultivate gigantic forests, biomassaabundante that would be enfardada in containers of armed concrete, plastic to ouqualquer another resistant material to the corrosion and, I assist with it of grandesembarcaes, would be carried to those submerged places and for action dagravidade. Containers or packs of the biomass will have to possess orifciospara entered of the water and balance of the chamber pressures and external to paraprevenir possible dosmesmos crushings of containers and to facilitate the submersion. c) The great advantage of if using biomass to paracapturar the carbonic gas are the fact of that the carbon will only be captured, leaving themselves exempt the oxygen. d) For each 12 (twelve) captured tons of carbon, saw biomass, they will be set free 32 (thirty and two) tons of paraatmosfera oxygen, and, very important, 44 (forty and four) tons of Co2, gscarbnico, main .causing gas of the effect greenhouse, would leave to exist naatmosfera that we breathe. e) They will be, to certain form, true depsitosgeolgicos, are about fossas geologic that to be come close to suffer to abalosssmicos or room from layers, would go to soterrar these containers, becoming-osainda safe more with regard to the environment.